Title: | Time-varying Mendelian randomization with time-continous modelling for the effect function |
Description: | Use functional principal components analysis (FPCA) within multivariable Mendelian randomization (MVMR) to estimate the time-varying effect function. |
Authors: | Haodong Tian, Ashish Patel |
Maintainer: | Haodong Tian <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-16 22:50:14 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/HDTian/TVMR |
simulate a data for the instrument and exposure data with time-varying variable information
getX( N=10000, J=30, ZXmodel='A', MGX_used=NA, nSparse=10 )
getX( N=10000, J=30, ZXmodel='A', MGX_used=NA, nSparse=10 )
N |
a integer indicates the sample size |
J |
a integer indicates the number of genetic instrument |
ZXmodel |
a character indicates the form of the instrument-exposure model. Can be |
MGX_used |
a matrix indicates the user-defined instrumental effect on the exposure. The default value is |
nSparse |
a integer indicates the number of the random measured timepoints for each individual. |
returns a list, which contains the information used for reproducing simulation, and the data matrix.
Multivariable GMM and Kleibergen's Lagrange multplier (LM) statistics with one-sample individual-level data
gmm_lm_onesample(X, Y, Z, beta0=NA )
gmm_lm_onesample(X, Y, Z, beta0=NA )
Z |
n x J instrument matrix |
X |
n x K exposure matrix |
Y |
n x 1 outcome vector |
beta0 |
the tested null of the causal parameter value (for LM test only) |
a result list, containing
gmm_est |
K vector of causal effect estimates using GMM |
gmm_se |
K vector of standard errors corresponding to |
variance_matrix |
K x K variance matrix corresponding to |
gmm_pval |
K vector of p-values corresponding to gmm_est |
Q_stat |
overidentification test statistic |
Q_pval |
overidentification test p-value |
lm_stat |
the LM statistic value |
lm_pval |
p-value of the LM test of the null hypothesis H0: beta=beta0 |
Haodong Tian, Ashish Patel
Instrumental strength with the conditional F statistics
IS(J, K, timepoints, datafull)
IS(J, K, timepoints, datafull)
J |
a integer indicates the number of instruments |
K |
a integer indicates the number of exposures |
timepoints |
a vector indicates the index of the exposures used for calculating the conditional F statistics |
datafull |
a data frame with the columns corresponding in order to the instruments, the exposures and the outcome |
It returns a table with the colunms of the coefficient of determination, F statistics, and the conditional F statistics for each exposures selected
Multiple-principal-component Mendelian randomization fitting with GMM methods desgined for individual-level data. This function supports overlapping-data setting, where the overlapping data will first clumped to one-sample and continues the fitting afterward.
MPCMR_GMM( Gmatrix, res, Yvector, Gymatrix=NA, IDmatch=NA, nPC=NA, nL=NA, eigenfit=TRUE, polyfit=TRUE, LMCI=TRUE, LMCI2=TRUE, nLM=20, Parallel=TRUE, cores_used=NA, XYmodel=NA )
MPCMR_GMM( Gmatrix, res, Yvector, Gymatrix=NA, IDmatch=NA, nPC=NA, nL=NA, eigenfit=TRUE, polyfit=TRUE, LMCI=TRUE, LMCI2=TRUE, nLM=20, Parallel=TRUE, cores_used=NA, XYmodel=NA )
Gmatrix |
a matrix indicates the instrument information |
res |
a list result of FPCA. |
Yvector |
a vector indicates the individual point outcome |
Gymatrix |
a matrix indicates the instrument information for the outcome data. The default value is |
IDmatch |
a vector indicates the overlapping data index. This is better generated by |
nPC |
a integer indicates the number of principal components used for MPCMR fitting. The default value is the number of principal compoments that just explain more than 95 percent variations. |
nL |
a integer indicates the degree of the polynomial (the number of polynomial basisfunctions) |
eigenfit |
logic. Whether to do MPCMR fitting with the eigenfunction as the basis function. |
polyfit |
logic. Whether to do MPCMR fitting with the polynomial set as the basis function. |
logic. Whether to calculate the CI with LM statistic where the basisfunction is the eigenfunction. |
logic. Whether to calculate the CI with LM statistic where the basisfunction is the polynomial. |
nLM |
a integer indicates the number of increasing point for each dimension when calculating the CI with LM statistic. |
Parallel |
logic. Whether to use parallel computing. The default value is |
cores_used |
an positive integer indicates how much cores will be used for the parallel computing. Only work when |
XYmodel |
a character indicates the XY model. It should be only used for simulation purpose. |
Note that you should have individual-level data containing the genetic variants (i.e. genotype) information and the longitudinal information of the exposure of interest. Both information should be contained simultaneously for each individual.
The longitudinal information must contain both the exposure level and its corresponding measured time point (age). It allows for the exposure to be measured at different time points (ages) for every individual, and each individual can have a sparse measurement.
You will also have the outcome data, which can be summary-data or individual-data; one-sample or two-sample as the exposure data. Depending on the specific data setting, you can use different functions of TVMR. If you outcome data is individual-level data that is one-sample or overlapping sample with your exposure data, you just need to use MPCMR_GMM
. If your outcome data is summary information or from two sample as the exposure data, you will need to use MPCMR_GMM_twosample
retuns a list, consisting of various results, inclduing fitted parameters (and their standard errors), the weak IV assessment results, the IV validity assessment results, the fitted curve.
nPC_used |
how many principal components were used in MPCMR. |
L |
the number of polynomial basis function used for fitting MPCMR. |
K |
the number of eigenfunction basis function used for fitting MPCMR. |
ISres |
the table results of the instrument strength. The columns are coefficient of determination, F value, conditional F, Q statistic value, degree-of-freedom of Q, and the p-value, respectively. |
scatterp |
the MR scatter plot corresponding to the genetic association with the first and second principal compoments. |
one_sample_size |
the sample size of the data finally used for MPCMR fitting. |
IV_validity_test |
the IV validity test results, where the three values are the Q statistic, the degree-of-freedom and the p-value, respectively. |
MPCMRest |
the fitted parameters for the eigenfunction basis set. |
MPCMRvar |
the corresponding variance matrix of |
p1 |
the fitted curve with eigenfunctin as the bsis function. |
ggdata1 |
the dataframe used for producing |
p2 |
the fitted curve with polynomial as the bsis function. |
ggdata2 |
the dataframe used for producing |
IV_validity_and_basisfunction_test |
the IV validity test results considering the parameteric (polynomial) basis function, where the three values are the Q statistic, the degree-of-freedom and the p-value, respectively. |
gives some useful information when the true effect function is known (given by the argument XYmodel
). They are used for simulation design.
The result name with the complementary symbol _p
represents the results when the basis function are polynomial functions. For example, MPCMRest_p
is the the fitted parameters for the polynmomial functions.
Haodong Tian
###see README.md file and TVMR/sim_real_illustration/MPCMR_illustration.R from GitHub
###see README.md file and TVMR/sim_real_illustration/MPCMR_illustration.R from GitHub
Multiple-principal-component Mendelian randomization fitting with GMM methods. This function is desinged for the two-sample setting.
MPCMR_GMM_twosample(Gmatrix, res, by_used, sy_used, ny_used, nPC=NA, nL=NA, eigenfit=TRUE, polyfit=TRUE, LMCI=TRUE, LMCI2=TRUE, nLM=20, Parallel=TRUE, cores_used=NA, XYmodel=NA )
MPCMR_GMM_twosample(Gmatrix, res, by_used, sy_used, ny_used, nPC=NA, nL=NA, eigenfit=TRUE, polyfit=TRUE, LMCI=TRUE, LMCI2=TRUE, nLM=20, Parallel=TRUE, cores_used=NA, XYmodel=NA )
Gmatrix |
a matrix indicates the instrument information |
res |
a list result of FPCA. |
by_used |
a vector indicates the estimated genetic association with the outcome. The order of the genetic variants in |
sy_used |
a vector indicates the standard errors of the estimated genetic association with the outcome |
ny_used |
a integer indicates the smaple size of the outcome data |
nPC |
a integer indicates the number of principal components used for MPCMR fitting. The default value is the number of principal compoments that just explain more than 95 percent variations. |
nL |
a integer indicates the degree of the polynomial (the number of polynomial basisfunctions) |
eigenfit |
logic. Whether to do MPCMR fitting with the eigenfunction as the basis function. |
polyfit |
logic. Whether to do MPCMR fitting with the polynomial set as the basis function. |
logic. Whether to calculate the CI with LM statistic where the basisfunction is the eigenfunction. |
logic. Whether to calculate the CI with LM statistic where the basisfunction is the polynomial. |
nLM |
a integer indicates the number of increasing point for each dimension when calculating the CI with LM statistic. |
Parallel |
logic. Whether to use parallel computing. The default value is |
cores_used |
an positive integer indicates how much cores will be used for the parallel computing. Only work when |
XYmodel |
a character indicates the XY model. It should be only used for simulation purpose. |
Note that you should have individual-level data containing the genetic variants (i.e. genotype) information and the longitudinal information of the exposure of interest. Both information should be contained simultaneously for each individual.
The longitudinal information must contain both the exposure level and its corresponding measured time point (age). It allows for the exposure to be measured at different time points (ages) for every individual, and each individual can have a sparse measurement.
If your individual outcome data is in two-sample with the exposure data or you just wish to treat your data as the two-sample case (e.g. your overlapping sample contains only a small fraction of identical individuals), then obtain the summary statistics from the individual outcome data, and then fit the MPCMR with summary outcome data.
retuns a list, consisting of various results, inclduing fitted parameters (and their standard errors), the weak IV assessment results, the IV validity assessment results, the fitted curve.
nPC_used |
how many principal components were used in MPCMR. |
L |
the number of polynomial basis function used for fitting MPCMR. |
K |
the number of eigenfunction basis function used for fitting MPCMR. |
ISres |
the table results of the instrument strength. The columns are coefficient of determination, F value, conditional F, Q statistic value, degree-of-freedom of Q, and the p-value, respectively. |
scatterp |
the MR scatter plot corresponding to the genetic association with the first and second principal compoments. |
one_sample_size |
the sample size of the data finally used for MPCMR fitting. |
IV_validity_test |
the IV validity test results, where the three values are the Q statistic, the degree-of-freedom and the p-value, respectively. |
MPCMRest |
the fitted parameters for the eigenfunction basis set. |
MPCMRvar |
the corresponding variance matrix of |
p1 |
the fitted curve with eigenfunctin as the bsis function. |
ggdata1 |
the dataframe used for producing |
p2 |
the fitted curve with polynomial as the bsis function. |
ggdata2 |
the dataframe used for producing |
IV_validity_and_basisfunction_test |
the IV validity test results considering the parameteric (polynomial) basis function, where the three values are the Q statistic, the degree-of-freedom and the p-value, respectively. |
gives some useful information when the true effect function is known (given by the argument XYmodel
). They are used for simulation design.
The result name with the complementary symbol _p
represents the results when the basis function are polynomial functions. For example, MPCMRest_p
is the the fitted parameters for the polynmomial functions.
Haodong Tian
###see README.md file and TVMR/sim_real_illustration/MPCMR_illustration.R from GitHub
###see README.md file and TVMR/sim_real_illustration/MPCMR_illustration.R from GitHub
draw the eigenfunction plot based on a FPCA result
res |
a list result of FPCA. |
a gg-plot where each curve corresponds to one eigenfunction with the corresponding the eigenvalue (i.e. the fraction of variance explained by this eigenfunction).
obtain the Q statistic value and alos return the inference results based on Q statistic (e.g. weak-IV-robust estimation), based on an inputted effect parameter.
Qfunction(v, by, byse, B, BX, Sigma, Gam )
Qfunction(v, by, byse, B, BX, Sigma, Gam )
v |
a vector indicates the initial value of the effect parameter; length is L. |
by |
a vector indicates the genetic associations with the outcome; length is J. |
byse |
a vector indicates the standard error of |
B |
a transforming matrix; dimision is K x L. If using the full eigenfunction as the basisfunction, B is just the identity matrix I. |
BX |
a matrix corresponds to the genetic association with the (transformed) exposure; dimension is J x K. |
Sigma |
a array (K*K*J), each surface of which is the covariance matrix of the association estimators |
Gam |
a Gamma matrix, each row of which indicates the covariance of the estimated genetic association with the outcome and the estimated genetic assocation with the (transformed) exposure; dimension is J x K. |
return a list, containing
original_input_v |
the original inputted value of the effect parameter. |
inference_results |
the Q-based (e.g. weak-IV-robust) estimation results, containing the parameter estimate and its standard errors. |
Est |
the estimated effext parameter. |
Estvar |
the variance matrix of |
Qvalue |
the Q satistic value |