The former main function for simulating data is
. Suppose we wish to have with μx = 0.5z,
μy = 0.3x,
and σz2 = σx2 = σy2 = 1.
Then we set:
pars <- list(z = list(beta = 0, phi=1),
x = list(beta = c(0,0.5), phi=1),
y = list(beta = c(0,0.3), phi=1),
cop = list(beta = matrix(c(0.5,0.25), ncol=1)))
Note that the copula parameters have been selected for a linear predictor of the form η = 0.5 + 0.25x, and the default link function for the Gaussian copula is g(η) = logit ((η + 1)/2).
Then we simulate as follows:
set.seed(124) # for consistency
dat <- causalSamp(1e3, formulas=list(z~1, x~z, y~x, ~x), family=rep(1,4), pars=pars)
Note that the distribution is as we expect. Regressing on should give a
coefficient close to 0.5.
lmXZ <- lm(x ~ z, data=dat)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) -0.00939 0.0317 -0.296 7.67e-01
#> z 0.43290 0.0325 13.312 2.44e-37
# lmYX <- lm(y ~ x, data=dat, weights = 1/dnorm(predict(lmXZ)))
# summary(lmYX)
Note that it is not necessary to use the standard variable names
, x
and y
, but if you choose not
to then you must specify the names you want to use with the
pars <- list(a = list(beta = 0, phi=1),
b = list(beta = c(0,0.5), phi=1),
c = list(beta = c(0,0.3), phi=1),
cop = list(beta = matrix(c(0.5,0.25), ncol=1)))
dat2 <- causalSamp(1e3, formulas=list(a ~ 1, b ~ a, c ~ b, ~ b), pars=pars)
#> No families provided, so assuming all variables are Gaussian
has various default settings. The copula
and the distribution families of X, Y and Z all default to Gaussian. It
over-samples by a factor of 10 so that some may be rejected later,
though this is increased later on if necessary up to the control
parameter max_oversamp
(with default value 1000).
We can fit a model using maximum likelihood.
out <- fit_causl(dat, formulas = list(z~1, y~x, ~x))
#> log-likelihood: -2831
#> z ~ 1
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) -0.00312 0.0309 0.0308
#> residual s.e.: 0.957 0.0429 0.0445
#> y ~ x
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) -0.00959 0.0351 0.0360
#> x 0.29923 0.0312 0.0284
#> residual s.e.: 1.11 0.0496 0.049
#> copula parameters:
#> cop ~ x
#> cop_z_y:
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 0.426 0.068 0.0651
#> x 0.330 0.056 0.0511
We see that the x
coefficient in the regression
parameter is correct (even surprisingly so!).
Note that if we allow z
to depend upon x
obtain a biased estimate.
out2 <- fit_causl(dat, form = list(y~x, z~x, ~x))
#> log-likelihood: -2750
#> y ~ x
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 0.0613 0.0334 0.0334
#> x 0.3788 0.0293 0.0270
#> residual s.e.: 1.11 0.0495 0.0489
#> z ~ x
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 0.00152 0.0285 0.0285
#> x 0.33378 0.0251 0.0250
#> residual s.e.: 0.812 0.0363 0.0357
#> copula parameters:
#> cop ~ x
#> cop_y_z:
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 0.392 0.0623 0.0597
#> x 0.364 0.0604 0.0571
We can also perform maximum likelihood estimation with other parametric families. Suppose that Z is t-distributed and Y Gamma distributed. We can simulate with
forms <- list(Z ~ 1, X ~ Z, Y ~ X, ~ 1)
fams <- c(2, 5, 3, 1)
pars <- list(Z = list(beta = 0, phi=1, par2=4),
X = list(beta = c(0,0.5)),
Y = list(beta = c(1,-0.3), phi=2),
cop = list(beta = 1))
dat <- rfrugalParam(1e3, formulas=forms, family=fams, pars=pars)
#> Inversion method selected: using pair-copula parameterization
Then we can perform maximum likelihood estimation on this data:
(out <- fit_causl(dat, formulas = forms[-2], family = fams[-2], other_pars=list(Z=list(par2=4L))))
#> log-likelihood: -3212
#> Z ~ 1
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) -0.00185 0.039 0.0384
#> residual s.e.: 1.11 0.0662 0.0684
#> Y ~ X
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 1.07 0.0684 0.0644
#> X -0.41 0.0844 0.0818
#> residual s.e.: 2.05 0.0752 0.0725
#> copula parameters:
#> cop ~ 1
#> est. s.e. sandwich
#> (intercept) 1.09 0.0642 0.0616