title: "LD matrix"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{LD matrix}
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
eval = FALSE
## Setup
See the setup process for the PLINK2 executable and reference file in the [Clumping](https://nicksunderland.github.io/genepi.utils/articles/clumping.html) vignette.
```{r setup}
# the gwas data
gwas <- GWAS(dat=system.file("extdata", "example2_gwas_sumstats.tsv", package="genepi.utils"), map="ns_map", fill_rsid="b37_dbsnp156")
gwas <- as.data.table(gwas)
# check path to reference
# check path to plink2 executable
## LD matrix
Generate the LD matrix. If we provide a GWAS data.table with the alleles then it will be harmonised with the LD matrix.
```{r ld_matrix}
# produce LD matrix
obj <- ld_matrix(gwas,
method = "r2",
plink2 = genepi.utils::which_plink2(),
plink_ref = genepi.utils::which_1000G_reference(build="GRCh37"))
## Harmonise data against LD matrix alleles
The previous command has harmonised the `gwas` input data.table to the LD alleles. The return value is a list with elements `dat`
and `ld_mat`.
```{r ld_matrix_info2}
# harmonised data
# the LD matrix