This vignette demonstrates how our R package,
, can be used to obtain new adjusted
association estimates for each SNP when only the summary statistics from
a single genetic association study, namely the discovery GWAS, are
available. In order to do so, we create a toy data set using the
function sim_stats
, which is included in the package, and
subsequently, illustrate how a user could engage with each of the
package’s Winner’s Curse correction functions using this data
The methods currently available for implementation are:
An important feature which distinguishes these four methods is detailed in the table below:
Adjusts β estimate of only SNPs with p-values less than specified threshold, α | Adjusts β estimate of all SNPs |
The function sim_stats
provides users with an
opportunity to construct various simulated data sets of GWAS summary
statistics which the correction methods can then be applied to. This
allows users to perhaps gain a better understanding of each method
before applying them to their own real data sets.
constructs a large set of independent
SNPs, in which there exists a polygenic background of a specified
portion of these SNPs for the trait of interest while all other SNPs
demonstrate no effect. When considering obtaining a simulated set of
summary statistics for solely the discovery GWAS, sim_stats
requires the user to specify four arguments, namely nsnp
, prop_effect
and nid
: the total number of SNPsh2
: the heritability of the trait, i.e. the variance
explained in the trait by all SNPsprop_effect
: the proportion of the total number of SNPs
truly associated with the traitnid
: the number of samples in the studyWith the above specifications, a set of rather realistic summary
statistics can be obtained as shown below. For convenience purposes, the
following default values have been supplied for the function’s
arguments: nsnp=10^6
, h2=0.4
, nid=50000
. These values
simulate summary statistics for 1,000,000 independent SNPs in which 1%
have a true effect on this trait with moderate heritability and a total
of 50,000 individuals have been sampled in the study.
Note: For further information regarding simulating GWAS summary statistics, refer to the text supplement of Forde et al. (2023). This function has been designed based on the details described under the heading ‘Quantitative trait with independence assumed’. However, note that for step 3) of these details, βi is in fact sampled from the distribution βi ∼ N(0, 1) instead of βi ∼ N(0, 2mafi(1 − mafi).
outputs a list with three components. When
only the discovery GWAS is considered, the third element in this list is
merely NULL
, and so we are just concerned with the first
two, true
and disc
. true
is a
data frame with two columns, rsid
which contains
identification numbers for each SNP and true_beta
which is
each SNP’s simulated true association value. This data frame is most
useful if we wish to check how well our Winner’s Curse
correction methods are performing. disc
has three columns
representing the summary statistics one would obtain in a discovery
GWAS. For each SNP, this data frame contains its ID number, its
estimated effect size and associated standard error. We note that this
function outputs the set of summary statistics, disc
, in a
suitable way so that the Winner’s Curse correction methods can
be directly applied, i.e. in the form of a data frame with three
columns rsid
, beta
sim_dataset <- sim_stats(nsnp=10^6,h2=0.4,prop_effect=0.01,nid=50000)
## simulated GWAS summary statistics
summary_stats <- sim_dataset$disc
#> rsid beta se
#> 1 1 -0.011423267 0.019222517
#> 2 2 0.002883483 0.009187098
#> 3 3 -0.043813790 0.016459133
#> 4 4 -0.018164924 0.019560463
#> 5 5 0.021349091 0.006335237
#> 6 6 -0.001559945 0.007697227
The function conditional_likelihood
requires a data
frame, in the form described above, and a value for alpha
the significance threshold used in the GWAS. Note that all columns of
the data frame must contain numerical values and each row must represent
a unique SNP, identified by rsid
As the conditional likelihood methods have been designed to be
only used for SNPs which are deemed significant, the data frame returned
contains only SNPs that have p-values below the inputted
genome-wide significance threshold value, alpha
Note: If the z-statistic of a particular SNP is
greater than 100, then merely the original naive estimate will be
outputted for the second form of the adjusted estimate, namely
, for that SNP.
If no SNPs are detected as significant, the function returns a
warning message:
WARNING: There are no significant SNPs at this threshold
The returned data frame has SNPs ordered based on their p-values from smallest to largest, or equivalently, in descending order of ∣z∣ in which z is the estimated value for β divided by its standard error.
We implement the function on our toy data set as follows,
choosing a significance threshold of 5e-8
out_CL <- conditional_likelihood(summary_data = summary_stats, alpha = 5e-8)
#> rsid beta se beta.cl1 beta.cl2 beta.cl3
#> 1 7815 0.04771727 0.006568299 0.04709173 0.04575084 0.04642129
#> 2 3965 0.04609999 0.006346232 0.04549476 0.04419814 0.04484645
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.04421716 -0.04238468 -0.04330092
#> 4 9917 0.04164616 0.006334188 0.03909824 0.03598923 0.03754373
#> 5 7261 0.04162686 0.006343244 0.03900942 0.03584977 0.03742959
#> 6 6510 0.04254046 0.006500057 0.03975867 0.03645266 0.03810567
Three columns have been added to the right of the inputted data
frame: each represents a correction method suggested in Ghosh
et al. (2008). The first, beta.cl1
, is
referred to as the conditional MLE while the second,
, is the mean of the normalized conditional
likelihood. The third, beta.cl3
is merely the average of
the first two, known as the compromise estimator.
Ghosh et al. (2008) noted that for instances in which
the true β value is close to
zero, beta.cl2
often has greater mean squared error than
but for true β values further from zero,
performs better. Thus, it was suggested that
be used to combine the strengths of these two
estimators. However, this function, conditional_likelihood
outputs values for all three estimators in order to allow the user to
make their own decision on which they believe to be the most
The function empirical_bayes
implements the
empirical Bayes method for correcting for Winner’s Curse,
detailed in Ferguson
et al. (2013), with a slight modification.
The function has two arguments with the first being
, the data frame containing rsid
and se
columns. Again, all columns of the
data frame must contain numerical values and each row must represent a
unique SNP, identified by rsid
. In addition, the function
requires that the data frame must contain at least 50 rows corresponding
to 50 unique SNPs. This requirement is included as the empirical Bayes
method performs poorly when only data of a small number of SNPs is
available. The second argument, method
, is a string
parameter which allows the user to choose what modelling approach to
take for the purpose of estimating the log density function. The default
setting is method="AIC"
, which is a method very similar to
that described by Ferguson
et al. (2013). Other options include
, method="scam"
and method="gam_po"
. If
, the degrees of freedom is set to 7. The
other three options all enforce additional constraints on the shape of
the estimated log density function by i) fitting a generalized additive
model (GAM), with integrated smoothness estimation,
and method="gam_po"
) and ii)
applying two shape constrained additive models (SCAMs)
). These additional variations of the
empirical Bayes approach are detailed in the ‘Materials and
methods’ section of Forde
et al. (2023).
returns the above described data
frame but with a fourth column, beta_EB
in which the
adjusted estimates of this procedure have been added.
As the empirical Bayes method makes adjustments to all SNPs, not only those that have been considered significant, this data frame contains all SNPs.
Note: The conditional likelihood methods adjust
each statistic one at a time, and so summary statistics of one
individual SNP can easily be inputted into the
function. However, the empirical
Bayes method requires many SNPs as the more information given to the
function, the more accurate it will be at modelling the distribution and
thus, making adjustments. Thus, as mentioned above,
must contain information related to more than
50 SNPs.
Below is a demonstration of using empirical_bayes
with our toy data set with the default setting for
out_EB <- empirical_bayes(summary_data = summary_stats)
#> rsid beta se beta_EB
#> 1 7815 0.04771727 0.006568299 0.04599530
#> 2 3965 0.04609999 0.006346232 0.04443623
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.03999539
#> 4 9917 0.04164616 0.006334188 0.03998556
#> 5 7261 0.04162686 0.006343244 0.03996389
#> 6 6510 0.04254046 0.006500057 0.04083638
Unfortunately, the Empirical Bayes estimator originally described by Ferguson et al. (2013) is known to perform poorly in the extreme tails of the distribution. Therefore, it is quite possible that a lack of adjustment for the β values of SNPs with the most extreme z-statistics could be witnessed with this method. A somewhat ad hoc approach to overcome this issue of combining the Empirical Bayes and the conditional likelihood methods was suggested by Ferguson et al. (2013).
In order to ensure that shrinkage does occur for the β values of these extreme SNPs, it
was decided that the following modification would be added to the
function with method="AIC"
The basis function of the natural cubic spline has been altered so that
the boundary knots are no longer the most extreme z-values. Instead, the lower
boundary knot is defined as the 10th z-statistic when the z-statistics lie in increasing order
while the upper boundary knot is the 10th z-statistic when the z-statistics have been arranged in
decreasing order. The natural cubic spline is then merely linear beyond
these boundary knots. This assists in fixing the ‘tails’ issue discussed
above. We see that the reduction of the estimated β values for all of the top 6 most
significant SNPs has occurred.
The function FDR_IQT
implements the Winner’s
Curse adjustment method detailed in Bigdeli
et al. (2016).
Similar to the approaches above, the function requires a data
frame with three columns rsid
, beta
, all columns of the data frame must contain numerical
values and each row must represent a unique SNP, identified by
It also has an argument min_pval
, for which the
default setting is 1e-300
. This is included in order to
avoid zero p-values which can
prove problematic for the function when evaluating qnorm()
Furthermore, due to the nature of Winner’s Curse, it is in fact
rare that observations with ∣z∣ > 37 are biased.
The function outputs a data frame similar to that inputted with
an additional column containing the adjusted estimate,
, and again, the SNPs have been reordered
according to their individual z-statistics.
out_FIQT <- FDR_IQT(summary_data = summary_stats)
#> rsid beta se beta_FIQT
#> 1 7815 0.04771727 0.006568299 0.03422825
#> 2 3965 0.04609999 0.006346232 0.03307103
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.03188772
#> 4 9917 0.04164616 0.006334188 0.02823824
#> 5 7261 0.04162686 0.006343244 0.02827861
#> 6 6510 0.04254046 0.006500057 0.02897770
Inspired by the bootstrap resampling method first detailed in Faye et al.
(2011), the function BR_ss
implements a similar
approach which can be easily applied to published sets of GWAS summary
statistics without the requirement of access to original
individual-level data. The major advantage of our alternative suggested
method is the considerable improvement in computational efficiency, with
a reasonably low level of conceptual difficulty being maintained. A
comprehensive description of this new bootstrap method can be found in
the ‘Materials and methods’ section of Forde
et al. (2023).
takes a data frame summary_data
with three columns: rsid
, beta
, and returns the inputted data frame along with the
adjusted estimate for β,
. Note that all columns of the data frame,
summary data
must contain numerical values, each row must
represent a unique SNP, identified by rsid
and the function
requires that there must be at least 5 unique SNPs so that the smoothing
spline can be implemented successfully. The function also has a logical
parameter seed_opt
which can be set to TRUE
the user to permit reproducibility. Its default setting is
. As this method involves bootstrap
implementation, the use of a seed can allow the user to obtain the exact
same results for beta_BR_ss
when running the function many
times on the same dataset. The parameter seed
provides the
user with an option to set their desired value for the seed when using
. The default for seed
is the
arbitrary value of 1998
Brief method description:
This procedure begins with arranging all N SNPs according to their original z-statistics, $z_i = \frac{\hat\beta_i}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_i)}}$, in descending order. A randomized estimate of the extent of ranking bias for the kth largest z-statistic is calculated by means of the parametric bootstrap as follows:
A value β̂ib is simulated for SNP i, i = 1, ..., N, independently, from a Gaussian distribution with mean β̂i and standard deviation $\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_i)}$, i.e. $$\hat\beta_i^{\text{b}} \sim N(\hat\beta_i, \hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_i)}).$$
Upon obtaining β̂ib for i, i = 1, ..., N, the SNPs are subjected to an ordering in which they are arranged based on their zib-statistics, in descending order. The zib-statistic of SNP i is defined as $$z_i^{\text{b}} = \frac{\hat\beta_i^{\text{b}}}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_i)}}.$$Due to this ordering, each SNP is assigned a rank A(k). Equivalently, we define A(k) as the index corresponding to the kth largest entry in the vector: $[z_1^{\text{b}}, ..., z_N^{\text{b}}] = [\frac{\hat\beta_1^{\text{b}}}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_1)}}, ..., \frac{\hat\beta_N^{\text{b}}}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_N)}}]$.
Then, the estimated bias of SNP k, the SNP with the kth largest original z-statistic, takes the following form: $$\text{bias}_k = \frac{\hat\beta_{A(k)}^{\text{b}}- \hat\beta_{A(k)}^{\text{oob}}}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_{A(k)})}} = \frac{\hat\beta_{A(k)}^{\text{b}}- \hat\beta_{A(k)}}{\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_{A(k)})}},$$in which β̂A(k)b is the bootstrap value of the SNP ranked in position k in the ordering of zib-statistics, β̂A(k)oob = β̂A(k) is that same SNP’s original β estimate and $\hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_{A(k)})}$ its standard error.
In the next step of the process, a cubic smoothing spline is fitted to the data in which the z-statistics are considered as the inputs and biask, their corresponding outputs. The predicted values from this model fitting provides new estimates for the bias correction, biask* for each SNP. This additional stage in which biask* is obtained eliminates the need for several bootstrap iterations for each SNP in order to ensure competitive performance of the method. Thus, this results in an approach that is faster as only one bootstrap iteration is required per SNP, while using biask* instead of biask ensures that the method has greater accuracy.
Finally, the new estimate for the true effect size of SNP k, the SNP with the kth largest original z-statistic, is defined as $\hat\beta_k^* = \hat\beta_k - \hat{\text{se}(\hat\beta_k)} \cdot \text{bias}_k^*$.
out_BR_ss <- BR_ss(summary_data = summary_stats, seed_opt=TRUE, seed=2020)
#> rsid beta se beta_BR_ss
#> 1 7815 0.04771727 0.006568299 0.03628244
#> 2 3965 0.04609999 0.006346232 0.03505042
#> 3 4998 -0.04527792 0.006458823 -0.02990042
#> 4 9917 0.04164616 0.006334188 0.02915571
#> 5 7261 0.04162686 0.006343244 0.02909271
#> 6 6510 0.04254046 0.006500057 0.02965867
As we have simulated our data set, we have the ability to quantify
the amount of bias present in the original naive β estimates and also, in our
adjusted estimates for each method. Thus, we can briefly examine how
each correction method performed with respect to our simulated data set.
Similar to Forde
et al. (2023), assessment can take place using measures
such as the estimated root mean square error of significant SNPs
) and the estimated average bias over all significant
SNPs (bias
). These two evaluation metrics can be be
mathematically defined as follows, in which there are Nsig significant
(\hat\beta_{\text{adj},i} - \beta_i)^2}$bias
\frac{1}{N_{\text{sig}}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{sig}}} (
\hat\beta_{\text{adj},i}- \beta_i)$⋆ Note: This average bias will be computed separately for significant SNPs with positive and negative true effects to avoid the bias in either direction simply cancelling each other out.
⋆ Note: We compare our methods based on their performance with respect to SNPs that pass a certain threshold as these are the SNPs that have association estimates affected by Winner’s Curse and most often, it is the effect sizes of these SNPs that researchers are most interested in.
We consider a significance threshold of α = 5 × 10−8 and subset the outputted data frames as required.
## Simulated true effect sizes:
true_beta <- sim_dataset$true$true_beta
## Subset required data sets:
out_EB_sig <- out_EB[2*pnorm(abs(out_EB$beta/out_EB$se), lower.tail = FALSE) < 5e-8,]
out_FIQT_sig <- out_FIQT[2*pnorm(abs(out_FIQT$beta/out_FIQT$se), lower.tail=FALSE) < 5e-8,]
out_BR_ss_sig <- out_BR_ss[2*pnorm(abs(out_BR_ss$beta/out_BR_ss$se), lower.tail=FALSE) < 5e-8,]
The estimated root mean square error of significant SNPs for each
method is computed below. It can be seen that all methods demonstrate
improvements over merely using the naive unadjusted association
estimates as the rmse
values for each method are lower than
that of naive
. The bootstrap method provides the lowest
value for rmse
## rmse
rmse <- data.frame(naive = sqrt(mean((out_CL$beta - true_beta[out_CL$rsid])^2)), CL1 = sqrt(mean((out_CL$beta.cl1 - true_beta[out_CL$rsid])^2)), CL2 = sqrt(mean((out_CL$beta.cl2 - true_beta[out_CL$rsid])^2)), CL3= sqrt(mean((out_CL$beta.cl3 - true_beta[out_CL$rsid])^2)),EB = sqrt(mean((out_EB_sig$beta_EB - true_beta[out_EB_sig$rsid])^2)), FIQT = sqrt(mean((out_FIQT_sig$beta_FIQT - true_beta[out_FIQT_sig$rsid])^2)), boot= sqrt(mean((out_BR_ss_sig$beta_BR_ss - true_beta[out_BR_ss_sig$rsid])^2)))
#> naive CL1 CL2 CL3 EB FIQT
#> 1 0.01528707 0.0165505 0.009738775 0.01285767 0.01217377 0.008195889
#> boot
#> 1 0.008379167
The next metric, the average bias over all significant SNPs with
positive association estimates, is included below. Here, we wish to
obtain values closer to zero than the naive
approach and it
can be seen that all methods achieve this.
## bias positive
pos_sig <- out_CL$rsid[out_CL$beta > 0]
pos_sigA <- which(out_CL$rsid %in% pos_sig)
bias_up <- data.frame(naive = mean(out_CL$beta[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]), CL1 = mean(out_CL$beta.cl1[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]), CL2 = mean(out_CL$beta.cl2[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]), CL3= mean(out_CL$beta.cl3[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]),EB = mean(out_EB_sig$beta_EB[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]), FIQT = mean(out_FIQT_sig$beta_FIQT[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]), boot= mean(out_BR_ss_sig$beta_BR_ss[pos_sigA] - true_beta[pos_sig]))
#> naive CL1 CL2 CL3 EB FIQT
#> 1 0.01268454 -0.003919891 -0.000829573 -0.002374732 0.01037972 -0.002254763
#> boot
#> 1 -0.001818847
In a similar manner, the average bias over all significant SNPs with negative association estimates, is computed. Again, we see that the application of all methods result in, on average, less biased association estimates for these SNPs, as desired.
## bias negative
neg_sig <- out_CL$rsid[out_CL$beta < 0]
neg_sigA <- which(out_CL$rsid %in% neg_sig)
bias_down <- data.frame(naive = mean(out_CL$beta[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]), CL1 = mean(out_CL$beta.cl1[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]), CL2 = mean(out_CL$beta.cl2[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]), CL3= mean(out_CL$beta.cl3[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]),EB = mean(out_EB_sig$beta_EB[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]), FIQT = mean(out_FIQT_sig$beta_FIQT[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]), boot= mean(out_BR_ss_sig$beta_BR_ss[neg_sigA] - true_beta[neg_sig]))
#> naive CL1 CL2 CL3 EB FIQT
#> 1 -0.01250495 0.005887153 0.002532757 0.004209955 -0.006742937 0.002466867
#> boot
#> 1 0.003934355
Note: In the above results, it is seen that the
empirical Bayes method doesn’t seem to be performing as well as the
other methods, i.e. the reductions in rmse
are small in comparison. The reason for this is
perhaps that it is the original form of the empirical Bayes method that
has been used here. It is possible that using another variation of the
method, for example setting method="gam_nb"
, would result in improvements, as shown in Forde
et al. (2023).
To complement the above, we provide an illustration of boxplots obtained for the root mean square error of significant SNPs (RMSE of sig. SNPs at 5 × 10−8), plotted for each Winner’s Curse correction method (Method).
col <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
all_results <- data.frame(rsid = c(rep(out_CL$rsid,7)), beta = c(rep(out_CL$beta,7)), se = c(rep(out_CL$se,7)), adj_beta = c(out_CL$beta,out_CL$beta.cl1,out_CL$beta.cl2,out_CL$beta.cl3,out_EB_sig$beta_EB,out_FIQT_sig$beta_FIQT,out_BR_ss_sig$beta_BR_ss), method = c(rep("naive",33),rep("CL1",33),rep("CL2",33),rep("CL3",33),rep("EB",33),rep("FIQT",33),rep("boot",33)))
all_results$rmse <- sqrt((all_results$adj_beta - true_beta[all_results$rsid])^2)
all_results$method <- factor(all_results$method, levels=c("naive","CL1", "CL2", "CL3", "EB", "boot", "FIQT"))
ggplot(all_results,aes(x=method,y=rmse,fill=method, color=method)) + geom_boxplot(size=0.7,aes(fill=method, color=method, alpha=0.2)) + scale_fill_manual(values=c(col[1],col[2],col[3],col[4],col[5],col[6],col[7])) + scale_color_manual(values=c(col[1],col[2],col[3],col[4],col[5],col[6],col[7])) + xlab("Method") +
ylab(expression(paste("RMSE of sig. SNPs at ", 5%*%10^-8))) + theme_bw() + geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="black") + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5, hjust=1),text = element_text(size=12),legend.position = "none", strip.text = element_text(face="italic"))
In addition, we can gain a visual insight into the adjustments made by these functions by constructing a density plot with the adjusted absolute values along with the naive estimates and the true absolute β values of significant SNPs, as follows:
true <- data.frame(rsid = c(out_CL$rsid), beta=c(out_CL$beta), se=c(out_CL$se),adj_beta=true_beta[out_CL$rsid],method=c(rep("true",33)))
all_resultsA <- rbind(all_results[,1:5],true)
ggplot(all_resultsA, aes(x=abs(adj_beta),colour=method,fill=method)) + geom_density(alpha=0.05,size=1) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2") + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2") + xlim(-0.01,0.08) +
ylab("Density") + xlab(expression(paste("|", beta, "| " , "of sig. SNPs at ", 5%*%10^-8))) + theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size=12)) + labs(fill = "Method",colour="Method")
In this final section, we will provide a short demonstration of applying these Winner’s Curse correction methods to a real data set.
Briefly, the data set we will use is a subset of the first BMI data
set used in Forde
et al. (2023), which was obtained from the UK Biobank. In
order to obtain a smaller data set suitable for demonstration purposes
in this vignette, LD clumping was performed on the data set used in the
aforementioned paper using the ld_clump()
function from the
ieugwasr R package. The
LD (r-squared) threshold for clumping was set to 0.01 while the
physical distance threshold used was 100 kb. This procedure provided a
data set of 272,604 SNPs with corresponding association estimates
) and standard errors (se
) as well as
association estimates obtained in an independent replication
GWAS of a similar size (beta_rep
). The first six rows of
this data set are outputted below.
BMI_UKBB <- read.csv("",quote = "", row.names = NULL, col.names = c("chr","pos","rsid","beta","se","beta_rep"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#> chr pos rsid beta se beta_rep
#> 1 1 801536 "rs79373928" 0.00691695 0.0672237 -0.00845073
#> 2 1 809876 "rs57181708" 0.08085120 0.0271055 0.05181780
#> 3 1 815656 "rs557970564" 0.16602900 0.0887715 -0.13927300
#> 4 1 834430 "rs533316052" -0.06663160 0.0685312 -0.05314070
#> 5 1 837657 "rs149737509" -0.00116905 0.0623581 -0.06175060
#> 6 1 852758 "rs4970462" -0.02576140 0.0200347 -0.02956890
We apply the correction methods to this data set as follows and obtain adjusted association estimates for significant SNPs at the genome-wide significance threshold of 5 × 10−8.
BMI_data <- BMI_UKBB[,3:5]
out_CL_BMI <- conditional_likelihood(summary_data = BMI_data, alpha = 5e-8)
out_EB_BMI <- empirical_bayes(summary_data = BMI_data)
out_FIQT_BMI <- FDR_IQT(summary_data = BMI_data)
out_boot_BMI <- BR_ss(summary_data = BMI_data, seed=2020)
## Subset required data sets:
out_EB_BMI_sig <- out_EB_BMI[2*pnorm(abs(out_EB_BMI$beta/out_EB_BMI$se), lower.tail = FALSE) < 5e-8,]
out_FIQT_BMI_sig <- out_FIQT_BMI[2*pnorm(abs(out_FIQT_BMI$beta/out_FIQT_BMI$se), lower.tail=FALSE) < 5e-8,]
out_boot_BMI_sig <- out_boot_BMI[2*pnorm(abs(out_boot_BMI$beta/out_boot_BMI$se), lower.tail=FALSE) < 5e-8,]
Note: In the case of real data, the
true association values are unknown.
Therefore, in order to evaluate the performance of methods, we will make
use of beta_rep
, the association estimates obtained in an
independent replication GWAS of a similar size. These
association estimates are considered to be
unbiased, and thus can be used to obtain an
expression for the estimated mean square error (MSE) of significant
SNPs. This expression is given in Eq [14] of Forde
et al. (2023) and can be computed for each method as shown
below. It can be seen that each method provides an estimated MSE value
lower than that of the naive approach of using the unadjusted
association estimates from the discovery GWAS.
## mse
beta_rep <- BMI_UKBB$beta_rep[BMI_UKBB$rsid %in% out_CL_BMI$rsid]
mse <- data.frame(naive = mean((beta_rep - out_CL_BMI$beta)^2) - mean(out_CL_BMI$se^2), CL1 = mean((beta_rep - out_CL_BMI$beta.cl1)^2) - mean(out_CL_BMI$se^2), CL2 = mean((beta_rep - out_CL_BMI$beta.cl2)^2) - mean(out_CL_BMI$se^2), CL3 = mean((beta_rep - out_CL_BMI$beta.cl3)^2) - mean(out_CL_BMI$se^2), EB = mean((beta_rep - out_EB_BMI_sig$beta_EB)^2) - mean(out_EB_BMI_sig$se^2), boot = mean((beta_rep - out_boot_BMI_sig$beta_BR_ss)^2) - mean(out_boot_BMI_sig$se^2), FIQT = mean((beta_rep - out_FIQT_BMI_sig$beta_FIQT)^2) - mean(out_FIQT_BMI_sig$se^2))
#> naive CL1 CL2 CL3 EB boot FIQT
#> 1 0.03608036 0.02946674 0.02870324 0.02897353 0.03029724 0.02874184 0.02859518
For illustration purposes, we again simply produce a density plot with the adjusted absolute values along with the naive estimates and the true absolute β values of significant SNPs.
all_results <- data.frame(rsid = c(rep(out_CL_BMI$rsid,7)), beta = c(rep(out_CL_BMI$beta,7)), se = c(rep(out_CL_BMI$se,7)), adj_beta = c(out_CL_BMI$beta,out_CL_BMI$beta.cl1,out_CL_BMI$beta.cl2,out_CL_BMI$beta.cl3,out_EB_BMI_sig$beta_EB,out_FIQT_BMI_sig$beta_FIQT,out_boot_BMI_sig$beta_BR_ss), method = c(rep("naive",214),rep("CL1",214),rep("CL2",214),rep("CL3",214),rep("EB",214),rep("FIQT",214),rep("boot",214)))
all_results$method <- factor(all_results$method, levels=c("naive","CL1", "CL2", "CL3", "EB", "boot", "FIQT"))
rep <- data.frame(rsid = c(out_CL_BMI$rsid), beta=c(out_CL_BMI$beta), se=c(out_CL_BMI$se),adj_beta=beta_rep,method=c(rep("rep",214)))
all_resultsA <- rbind(all_results[,1:5],rep)
ggplot(all_resultsA, aes(x=abs(adj_beta),colour=method,fill=method)) + geom_density(alpha=0.05,size=1) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2") + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2") + xlim(-0.1,0.4) +
ylab("Density") + xlab(expression(paste("|", beta, "| " , "of sig. SNPs at ", 5%*%10^-8))) + theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size=12)) + labs(fill = "Method",colour="Method")