- alspac::currentCurrent data
- alspac::sources
- BESIDEMR::AMD_HDLEffect of HDL choesterol on age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
- BWMR::ExampleDataExample Mendelian randomization genotype summary level dataset
- CheckSumStats::ara_test_datA example dataset of genetic summary data for arachidonic acid
- CheckSumStats::charge_top_hitsGWAS top hits for arachidonic acid in the CHARGE consortium
- CheckSumStats::charge_top_hits_cleanedGWAS top hits for arachidonic acid in the CHARGE consortium after post-GWAS cleaning
- CheckSumStats::glioma_test_datA example dataset of genetic summary data
- CheckSumStats::refdat_1000G_superpopsA dataset of reference allele frequencies from 1000 genomes superpopulations
- CIVMR::simulationsimulation Data.
- ColliderBias::testDataSample simulated genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statisitcs for analysis.
- EpiViz::EpiViz_data1Example data: Mendelian randomization results from an analysis of BMI measured in European men and women and 123 metabolites
- EpiViz::EpiViz_data2Example data: Mendelian randomization results from an analysis of BMI measured in European men and 123 metabolites
- EpiViz::EpiViz_data3Example data: Mendelian randomization results from an analysis of BMI measured in European women and 123 metabolites
- geni.plots::genes_pos_b37
- geni.plots::genes_pos_b38
- geni.plots::geni_test_manhattanGENI plots test data for the Manhattan plot
- geni.plots::geni_test_phewasGENI plots test data for the PheWAS plot
- geni.plots::geni_test_regionGENI plots test data for the regional plot
- geni.plots::geni_test_stack_regionGENI plots test data for the stacked regional plot
- geni.plots::recomb_b37
- geni.plots::recomb_b38
- gsmr::gsmr_data
- gsmr::ldrho
- gsmr::snp_coeff
- gsmr::snp_coeff_id
- gsmr2::gsmr_data
- gsmr2::ldrho
- gsmr2::snp_coeff
- gsmr2::snp_coeff_id
- GWASBrewer::AF
- GWASBrewer::ld_mat_list
- GWASBrewer::snpdata
- GwasDataImport::build_ref
- GwasDataImport::mart36
- GwasDataImport::mart37
- GwasDataImport::mart38
- hdi::riboflavinRiboflavin data set
- indexevent::testDataSimulated effects on incidence and prognosis
- ivmodel::card.dataCard (1995) Data
- ivmodel::icu.dataPseudo-data based on Branson and Keele (2020)
- metaboprep::ng_annoNightingale Health metabolomics annotation data set
- midoc::bmiChild body mass index data
- mr.pivw::Bx_expExample data
- mr.pivw::Bxse_expExample data
- mr.pivw::By_expExample data
- mr.pivw::Byse_expExample data
- mr.raps::bmi.aisEffect of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS)
- mr.raps::bmi.bmi"Effect" of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Body Mass Index (BMI)
- mr.raps::bmi.cadEffect of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- mr.raps::bmi.sbpEffect of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
- mr.raps::cad.bmiEffect of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) on Body Mass Index (BMI) (To study reverse causality)
- mr.raps::cad.cadEffect of Coronary Artery Disease (BMI) on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- mr.raps::crp.cadEffect of C-Reactive Protein on Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- mr.raps::lipid.cadEffect of blood lipids (LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides) on Cardiovascular disease risk
- MRAPSS::Omega
- MRAPSS::w_hm3.snplist
- mrbayes::bmi_insulinDataset from Richmond et. al 2017 investigating the association of BMI on insulin resistance
- mrbayes::dodataDataset from Do et al., Nat Gen, 2013 containing summary level data on associations of genotypes with lipid traits and the risk of coronary heart diseases
- MRBEE::hapmap3HapMap3 and UKBB Genotype SNP Data
- MRchecks::test_data
- mrclust::DBP_CADGenetic association data from diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and coronary artery disease (CAD) GWAS.
- mrclust::PP_CADGenetic association data from pulse pressure (PP) and coronary artery disease (CAD) GWAS.
- mrclust::SBP_CADGenetic association data from systolic blood pressure (SBP) and coronary artery disease (CAD) GWAS.
- MRCorge::Alcohol_CAD
- MRCorge::BMI_CAD
- MRCorge::HDL_CAD
- MRCorge::Height_CognitivePerformance
- MRCorge::IGF1_Height
- MRCorge::LDL_CAD
- MRCorge::Urate_Gout
- MRCorge::VitaminD_CAD
- MrDAG::LBT2MD_dataMrDAG data set: Lifestyle and behavioural exposures that might impact mental health phenotypes
- MrDAG::MD2LBT_dataMrDAG data set: Mental health phenotypes that might impact lifestyle and behavioural traits
- MRInstruments::aries_mqtlData frame of mQTLs from ARIES study
- MRInstruments::blueprint_monocyte_eqtlData frame of eQTLs (monocyte cells) from the BLUEPRINT study
- MRInstruments::drug_interactionsDrug interactions
- MRInstruments::gene_trialsDrug trial information regarding target genes
- MRInstruments::gtex_eqtlData frame of cis-eQTLs from GTEx study (version 6p)
- MRInstruments::gwas_catalogData frame of GWAS significant SNPs obtained from the EBI GWAS catalog
- MRInstruments::metab_qtlsData frame of QTLs of metabolites
- MRInstruments::mrbase_instrumentsData frame of GWAS significant SNPs obtained from the EBI GWAS catalog
- MRInstruments::proteomic_qtlsData frame of proteomic QTLs from Deming et al 2016
- MRMix::BMI15
- MRMix::MDD18
- MRMix::sumstats
- MRMix::sumstats_std
- MRPATH::bmi_t2dEffect of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Type-2 Diabetes (T2D)
- MRPATH::hdl_chdEffect of HDL Cholesterol (HDL-C) on Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
- MRPC::MRPCtruthGraphs used as truth in simulation
- MRPC::data_GEUVADISGEUVADIS data with 62 eQTL-gene sets
- MRPC::data_GEUVADIS_combinedCombined genotype and gene expression data from 62 eQTL-gene sets in 373 Europeans from GEUVADIS
- MRPC::data_examplesExample data under simple and complex models
- MRPC::data_with_outliersExample data with outliers
- MRPC::data_without_outliersExample data without outliers
- MRPC::simu_data_M0Data for Model 0
- MRPC::simu_data_M1Data for Model 1
- MRPC::simu_data_M2Data for Model 2
- MRPC::simu_data_M3Data for Model 3
- MRPC::simu_data_M4Data for Model 4
- MRPC::simu_data_layeredData for the layered model
- MRPC::simu_data_multiparentData for the multiple-parent model
- MRPC::simu_data_starshapedData for the star model
- MRPRESSO::SummaryStatsSimulated toy dataset
- mrsensemakr::sim_dataSimulated Data
- MVMR::rawdat_mvmrRaw multivariable MR summary data using lipid fractions as exposures and systolic blood pressure as an outcome.
- PPMR::ExampleindividualIndividual level dataset
- PPMR::ExamplesummarySummary level dataset
- prop.coloc::GLP1RGLP1R summary data included in the package
- RadialMR::data_radialTwo Sample Summary GWAS data published in Do et al (2014).
- RMVMR::rawdat_rmvmrRaw multivariable MR summary data using lipid fractions as exposures and systolic blood pressure as an outcome.
- SlopeHunter::data_exampleSimulated effects on quantitative incidence and prognosis traits
- SUMnlmr::LDL_CADUK Biobank dataset containing the allele score-associations with ldl-cholesterol and CAD diagnosis, by 10 quantiles of residual ldl.
- SUMnlmr::LDL_CAD_covarUK Biobank dataset containing the allele score-associations with ldl-cholesterol and CAD diagnosis adjusted for age, sex and first 10 principle components, by 10 quantiles of residual ldl.
- SUMnlmr::bmi_acmHunt dataset containing the allele score-associations with bmi and all cause mortality, by 100 quantiles of residual BMI. As used in the paper "Body mass index and all cause mortality in HUNT and UK Biobank studies: linear and non-linear mendelian randomisation analyses" https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l1042
- SUMnlmr::generated_dataArtificial genetic & phenotype data, for purposes of package tests